The Africa Gospel Chuch operates a network of over 14 training centers in different parts of the country.

Pastors and pastors in training come to the centers for a few days each month to engage in intensive training for pastoral ministry and leadership for growing churches.

Our core training curriculum takes three years to complete.   In each training term there three main emphases in the training:

  • Discipleship:  concentrating on spiritual formation and trying to answer the question, "What does it mean to live for Christ?"
  • Ministry Skills: concentrating on the skills needed to minister to a broken world in a wholistic manner, seeking to answer the question, "How can i be more effective in demonstrating God's love to people?"
  • Leadership:  this concentrates on the character and skills of leading groups of people to fulfil God's plans for them, and tries to answer the question, "How can I develop and lead other people to their full potential for Christ?"

Our training is done in a participative manner encouraging discussion and self-discovery.

In addition, we place a high emphasis on oral methods, especially "storying" as a way of learning, interpreting, applying, and transferring Biblical knowledge to others.